Saturday, February 26, 2011

Frustrations of a pilot.

Well, another disappointing day. I must place a disclaimer in here though, I will always rather be on the ground wishing I were in the air than be in the air wishing I were on the ground.

I have been trying very hard to finish up my Multi Engine Commercial Pilots license, but still have not been successful. I was to finish it up in December of last year, but was sent home when the Flight program Director told me they did not have enough slots open for me to go. So then I came back at the beginning of this semester and have been trying to finish up for two months now. If its not one thing, it will definitely be another. The semester began with one aircraft down due to a missing propeller, then lots of weather delays, and schedule conflicts combined with flat tires and the like. I finally got my final check ride scheduled with a FAA check airman and after we finished the oral exam the weather had deteriorated to the point that we could not go. Ughhh oh well, maybe next time.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time to update.

Wow, has it really been a whole semester and a half, and a Christmas break in between since I've posted something. I guess so... Anyway.

I am back in Texas, working away at my education. I am pretty much over school, and ready to be done. As it looks right now, Hopefully, I will be graduating in December. Due to some complications with aircraft and personnel I was not able to get my Multi engine Commercial Pilots license last semester. Then when I came back this semester there were more equipment issues, coupled with bad weather and the like, I still haven't finished that portion of my training. I am very close though, and hopefully this week I will be a Commercial Pilot.

Back home, is Chelsea, She has enrolled in a Photography class, and is doing quite well. I am so proud of her. Although I really do not like being so far away from her, and miss her like crazy, the distance is allowing me to see deeper into her amazing character. I am so thankful for Gods bringing her into my life, and for her parents who have raised such an amazing young lady. Chelsea is so patient, kind and caring, and she is always encouraging me to keep going and finish, even though I know she really wishes I could be there with her. Oh, and by the way, have I ever mentioned how Beautiful she is.....

I Love you Chelsea